Monday, April 18, 2011

Exhibit features motorcycles


By Kristine Gill, via :
Among the rarest of bikes on display are those from the era shortly after World War II. These include the 1945 Harley-Davidson made at a time when materials such as rubber were scarce... Read more

Photo by Rami Daud

Dennis Copley of Mogadore stands by his 1972 Harley Davidson XR 100 Special, which he loaned the National Packard Musem for its 11th annual antique motorcycle exhibit, "Motorcycles on Main Street."

Photo by Rami Daud

A four cylinder 1934 Indian Model 434 is among 30 motorcycles on display through the end of May at the The 11th annual antique motorcycle exhibit, "Motorcycles on Main Street," at the National Packard Museum in Warren.


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